Monday, April 20, 2020

Thankful Always

If the Bible were likened to a majestic mountain range then some of its highest peaks would bear the name “Mt Thanksgiving.”  One can open the 66 books of Scripture anywhere and the gem of “thanks, be thankful and give thanks” will “flash out” with brilliance!  Thankfulness is memory working overtime!  It is, regretfully, not a lost art but a lost attitude!  The Bible clearly instructs us to be thankful (1)  In everything and (2) For everything. How subtle these nuances:  events, people, situations far beyond our control (Covid-19), memories, hopes unfulfilled, illness, loss, depression and disappointment are each and all reasons to humbly and courageously say out loud to God “Thank You Father!”  We get stuck because of deeply bruised feelings, memories, negativity.  Childlike faith says “Say the “T” word!”  Sing it!  Share it!  What, pray tell, is the loving logic of doing so?  Being and acting thankfully is the supreme expression of faith declaring boldly "Lord, You are in control of all things.  And You are giving me, painful though my daily life may seem, opportunities to serve others more sacrificially."  To be more humble.  Each of us can always be more humble until we leave this life!

Ron Bolt is a retired pastor who lives in Temecula, California with wife Lois and two adult children.  Born in Chicago he was raised primarily in Minnesota and is a graduate of Wheaton College and Fuller Theological Seminary.

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